If there was a law that only permitted me to hate one thing, it would be people that congregate in dog parks. If the lawmakers amended that law at some point in the future and allowed all citizens to add one more item to their hate list, I would choose air travel.
I’ll save the discussion on dog parks for a later date and jump right into air travel, since it is topical in this post-Bin Laden era that we all now live in…
The entire experience of air travel just generally upsets me. It begins the morning of the flight with horrible…just horrible diarrhea (note - I think it is caused by the anxiety of flying and dealing with the jackasses that work in the air travel business vs fears of terrorism). General anger and frustration continues as I’m herded like a castrated animal through the various stages/check points that one must pass before they are given the green light to fly. Is it me, or is this the only service based industry in the world that gets away with following the “guilty until proven innocent” motto? Think about all of the negative interactions you have from parking the car, to checking in, to airport security, to boarding, to the stewardess constantly looking for rule breakers (please stow your bag sir). This all raises a valid question, does the Soup Nazi control the entire industry? One thing is for sure, they have certainly applied the basics of his service model, as illustrated in this clip:
Anyway, let us hold hands and travel through the stages of frustration that lead us from pre-flight bowel movement to the cathartic release of “de-boarding”… shall we…
- Airport Check-In/Self Check-In – much like self check-outs at big box stores, I hate the self check-in. Most airports are now moving to self check in only, which really chaps my ass. The problem with the self check-in is that most people don’t understand what to do and inevitably end up having to deal with a human being anyway. What is supposed to be convenient is anything but.
- Checked Baggage – general rule of thumb - avoid checking your baggage at all costs. This, however, is not always possible which leads to a slew of questions and further inconvenience. Is there a per bag fee, do I now need to cart all of my baggage through airport security, where the fuck is the scale, have I surpassed the weight limit per bag, etc. This process adds 15-20 minutes to the whole ordeal.
- Security – this is probably the worst and most stressful part, as the TSA agents salivate over the potential of taking you down. As Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) outlined in the movie “Up in the Air”, there are a number of tips to observe at airport security to make the process as easy as possible:
- Never get in a line behind infants – good point and should be applied anywhere (think grocery stores, movie theatres, theme parks, etc). Having said that, people with infants are basically given a speed pass through security. If you can manage it, borrow an infant just for the security check.
- Never get in line behind the elderly – their bodies are a mine field of metal implants
- No shoes – get a decent pair of Velcro shoes OR go with slip-ons.
- No liquids – why do you have them in the first place? There are drinks on the plane and you can get shampoo at the hotel.
- Avoid the bomb joke – just ask Alexandre Daigle, former NHL 1st round pick who made this mistake as a rookie. Not a good idea.
- Boarding – what a cluster-fuck… In fairness to the air travel business, they do their best to organize people into groups to make the process of boarding a metal tube with wings somewhat orderly. This is easily thrown off by the jackasses who insist on standing in the aisle while jamming an overly large carry-on into the overhead storage.
- The Announcements – why are we always treated like air travel rookies when it comes to the pre-flight announcements? Can they not just tell the 2 or 3 individuals who have never flown how to do up a seat belt and where the life vests are separately? This is sort of like having a company and forcing all of your employees to go through orientation each time you hire someone new. BTW, what the hell is a “lap child”? This segement of the experience always reminds me of Tommy Boy (David Spade - To fasten, take the little end and stick it in the big end and... you know what? If you guys don't know how to use a seatbelt, just ring your call button and Tommy will come back there and hit you on the head with a tack hammer because you're a retard.)
- The Emergency Exit - with the emergency exit seat comes great responsibility or so the flight crew will have you believe. Chances are, if you have to use that exit, everyone is going to be dead anyway. Larry David can take it from here:
- Food & Beverage Service or Lack Thereof – nobody expects anything gourmet to be served by their steward or stewardess. But are airlines hurting so badly that they can’t serve us anything? Thanks for the complimentary shot glass of ginger ale. I’m a satisfied customer now.
- In Flight Entertainment – stop fucking around and equip all planes with the individual screens for each passenger. I love when I’m stuck on one of those flights where the screen is like 20 feet in front of me (located just over the head of some 6 foot 8 guy with a “fro”).
- Other People – this is potentially the worst part about travelling, especially on long flights. Stinky, Sweaty, Fat, Hairy, Booger, Crusty, Waxy, Halitosis are words that come to mind when thinking back to others that I have been forced to sit beside on flights. Recently I was sandwiched between two guys that seemed to both have a particular affinity for snoring and crop dusting. It was almost like they were playing a game of battleship in their sleep, exchanging one bomb after another hoping to strike the other one down. The only person who lost in that exchange was me.
- Landing – why do people clap when the pilot lands the plane successfully? Isn’t that just part of the routine? I wonder, if I put 150 people in my office and allowed them to watch me do something like dial a number on the phone, have a conversation, and then successfully hang up the phone… would they break out in applause?
- De-Boarding – let the games begin. From the moment the plane lands, I get revved up like Ben Johnson on some Charlie Francis steroid concoction. I’m either sprinting to my next flight, to the taxi, or to get my ass through customs.
Thank god it is over. Until we fly again…